Thursday, March 13, 2014


 Social media has been around since humans began to talk. One of the first signs of human social media was cave wall paintings. Some of the earliest forms of social media were not digital. The word media means a medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression. Media is also a plural form of medium and a medium is a particular form or system of communication. Some of the earliest forms of social media were primitive and did not involve a computer, but did involve some type of technology to convey the message. All living things communicate to each other in some way or another, but humans leave lasting impressions intentionally. A fossil leaves an impression, but it doesn't do it on purpose or do it by using technology. Communication and networking are vital to our survival and our history.

I would say that my biggest take-away from this unit is that the cultures that emerge aroung SNSs are varied. While some social networks cater to those who have met each other and have interacted in some way, shape or form in the past, other social networks are geared towards strangers who have multiple things in common according to Boyd and Ellison's article on Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship (Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship).
A smaller take-away would be that technology is advancing rather quickly. With all the updates and new models of cellphones and software coming out, you need to be up to date with it or else you'll be left behind. The iOS 7 update is a prime example. Apple's iPhone and iPod touch announced its new iOS update; everyone was excited and couldn't wait to see what was new. Needless to say, there were plenty of internet and connection issues when the update launched because tons of people were downloading the update at the same time using the same connection. After the initial craze, there are, yet, people who still have the previous version of iOS. I personally know someone who thought it was too complicated and didn't download the update. As a result, some time later, that person was starting to have problems with their current applications because they weren't running with the new iOS 7 software. This is a prime example of how technology can blow past you if you don't “get with it.”

The Information Age is a period in history characterized by the shift from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization. As a result of this, the internet was born. Social media is a way for people of all ages to gather in a tech-based communal area and chat, share ideas (socially or professionally) and stay in touch. Social media can do a lot for us besides passing the time. Another take-away from this unit was from Gladwell's article, "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted" (Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted). What I got from reading is that when there's a problem going on the society, the internet is the place to share it. A lot of people spend hours online everyday. “With Facebook and Twitter and the like, the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been upended, making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coördinate, and give voice to their concerns.” Why is social media, something that is looked down upon for its lack of educational advancement, so powerful? The reason is that information is like a snowball; the more you roll it and push it along, the more it expands and spreads. All it takes is one tweet or status update. The person behind the screen can emit an emotion that is misinterpreted or over-exaggerated. In any case, our words typed on a keyboard are powerful and in order to cater to those who are connected to us on SNSs, we have to be cautious but at the same time persevere to get the word out to those who may or may not support us.

In the end, it's all up to us. When it comes to social media and spreading the word, we can't be a bystander. We can't rely on the next person to “do something about it.” Social media and the information age is raging along. If we don't pay attention and if we don't ACT, we too will be left behind in what has already been an active technological advancement period. 

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