Sunday, February 9, 2014

Filter Bubbles

I'm starting a project on 'Filter Bubbles' and I am pretty interested on the topic. The concept of 'filter failure' sort of relates to this. I thought it was a good topic to discuss.
Here's the link I viewed of the TED talk: 

After watching the TED talk, I thought it was pretty interesting. What I got from it was that we all want privacy and we all filter some of our results. However, there are cookies that are saved wherever we go on the internet and we are limited to the results we get back when we search something on Google or Bing. Filter bubbles are creating an isolated safehouse for each individual person. In the TED talk he said that two people could search for the same thing and get totally different results. When I first heard that, I thought it was ridiculous. After being introduced to that knowledge, I was finally skeptical about the internet in general and what I put out on the net.

Searching the web is something that we do to communicate or research a topic. We are unaware to what or how much information is being filtered. I think Pariser is telling us to beware because the more we filter, the less connected we are. He says that we need the internet for just that reason. We need to have some control and if we don't, we're going to be consumed by technology and be stuck in a "web of one." I think to improve online filter bubbles, companies need to allow the user to know what is being passed through the cracks of the internet every time they search for something.

If we don't become more aware and companies don't take action to let web users know what is being passed through web searches, society will come to a stand-still and each individual person will not be able to connect with others as conveniently as they should. Filter bubbles will cause a digital divide that is so great, that our own families will become disconnects with one another.

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